Sunday, February 21, 2010

Seriously McDonalds?

Okay McDonald's. I am one of billions who enjoy your food. Double cheeseburger, hot fudge sundae, Shamrock shakes, all delicious. But what I don't enjoy is a commercial featuring an African-American couple singing about Chicken McNuggets. Seriously? Who is the person who thought this was a good way to reach the African-American demographic and who was the person who signed off on it? Not every African-American person responds to a message relayed in hip-hop or slang. And do I dare deem it offensive since its African-Americans singing about CHICKEN? When I saw a similar concept in 2008, (actually, it was the same people singing about Chicken McNuggets) I thought, it was just a simple commercial. But when I saw the concept again, I thought "could this be actually persuading the African-American community to buy more McNuggets?" I propose a question McDonald's; do you have anyone of a minority background working in the boardroom or in the marketing department? Because they should have told you this was a bad idea. And is the word "stingy" a prominent word used in the vernacular of African-Americans? This word was used in the 2008 and 2010 commercials.

And I know McDonald's is a proud sponsor of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics but there is probably 5 to 10% of African-Americans who actually watch the Winter Olympics. So why use this concept and to what appears, this demographic? I'm interested in seeing the numbers of demographics responding to this. I would like to see the focus groups who viewed and approved of the airing.

My point is that...African-Americans is being represented in an unfavorable manner. There aren't many voices of minorities in advertising saying this direction isn't going to effectively reach the target market. McDonald's, please stop the R&B McNugget vibe, in two years, I don't want to see a four minute, full length video about McNuggets on BET's countdown.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The beginning of the...beginning!

This will be a short entry. I've decided to create a blog to share my passion about advertising. So in the next few days, look for new a post.